Monday, December 11, 2017

Book review - The Power by Naomi Alderman

This is one of the books that I went into completely blind - aside from seeing the occasional photo on Bookstagram, I had no idea what this book was about, if people liked it, and so on. From what I gathered from the synopsis, this book was going to be a feminists' dream: an alternative world in which not men, but women are the dominant gender. For me, this sounded interesting enough to pick it up.

This book turned out to be endlessly fascinating, but not perfect. However, I could forgive this book it's flaws for the fact that it just had me so hooked - it was the first book in a long time that I wasn't able to put down. The strong point of this book is that it incorporates multiple perspectives, meaning also different parts of society as well as different cultures. This made it extremely real to me. One the rare occasions that I did put the book down and switched on the TV to watch the news, I half expected to see reports on the events of the book in the news. Rioting women on the street, from the US to Europe to India, shooting out electricity out of their hands (I do realize how fake and hard to believe this sounds, but it was actually so well done).