Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Why not


Today I had an enormous mental breakdown because I just didn't know how to balance my studies, work, money issues, friends, boyfriend, family and basically life anymore. I don't know how other people do it, but I just can't seem to focus on so many things at the same time. And then there's also the stuff I'd actually like to do: read, draw, write. There's just no time. Anyway, I did what any person with a distorted sense of logic would do: I started a blog. I've actually wanted to do this for a very long time, but it's scary: what will people think? What will my friends say? They'll probably think I'm looking for attention, internet fame, or even money. But I suffer no such illusions (my life is not that exciting): I'm doing this for myself. Since I've been little I've been saying I want to find a job that's creative and involves writing. Now that I'm doing my masters at uni, the terrifying deadline of real adult life is approaching: I need to figure out what I want in life, and how I'm going to get it. Sure, no problem. 

However, writing about it here should be a win-win: I can always make more sense of stuff when I write about it, so hopefully I'll be able to make sense of the stressful mess my life is right now (this sounds more concerning than it actually is, ask any college student how they feel and they'll probably reply the same way). Also, making a start on building an online portfolio seems like a sensible step into the right direction. That, and I just like creating stuff. So I created this. And why not?